Profy for Schools and Teacher Groups

Artificial Intelligence as an ally for your school's teachers

Invite teachers from your school, distribute Profy credits and help them to produce lesson plans in less time and with higher quality, increasing student engagement and learning.

Test for free: create your first AI lesson plan now!

Join teachers from more than 2,000 schools who already use Profy to create incredible Lesson Plans!

Manage and Control Artificial Intelligence in your school

With Profy, it's easy to create and review lesson plans created by teachers

Distribute AI credits among the teachers of your school

Allow your educators to access artificial intelligence to create personalized lesson plans, distributing AI credits as needed and based on teacher engagement.

Review the lesson plans created by teachers before being implemented

Ensure educational excellence with the 'human' review of lesson plans developed via AI, ensuring their suitability before classroom application.

Add Teachers easily and quickly

Facilitate the adherence of new teachers to the platform, enabling them to create lesson plans enriched with AI in a few steps.

Test for free: create your first AI lesson plan now!

Revisão Humana

Ainda não confia plemanente na Inteligência Artificial? Não se preocupe, te ajudamos com isso.


Within the platform, define one or more responsible individuals from your school for the review of lesson plans generated with the help of AI.


The reviewer will be responsible for reviewing and evaluating the lesson plans, approving or not recommending their use in the classroom.


The teacher will be able to see the reviewer's comments and edit their lesson plan until it's approved. After that, it's just apply!

Test for free: create your first AI lesson plan now!

Prices for Schools and Teachers' Groups

Tired of monthly subscriptions?
Pay only for the number of lesson plans generated with the help of Artificial Intelligence

Back-to-School Sale
de R$ 305.00
U$ 1.35 per Lesson Plan
You will receive credits to create 200 Lessons Plans
to share with up to 10 teachers
Drag to select the number of Lesson Plans you want to create
You can save up to 20 hours of work with the help of Profy, and you will have a Month to use your lesson credits.

All plans are entitled to:

Add teachers from an email list or .CSV file
Define a reviewer to evaluate and approve the generated lesson plans
Generation of complete and exclusive lesson plans with AI
Generation of countless lesson suggestions, before the Lesson Plan
Download documents and presentations, in .DOC, .PDF, or .PPT format
New resources, as soon as they are released

We use the most advanced Artificial Intelligence solution

Frequently Asked Questions

See the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions

Profy is a platform that utilizes artificial intelligence to assist teachers in creating personalized and high-quality lesson plans. It is designed to enhance student engagement and learning, enabling educators to produce their plans more efficiently and with greater quality.
With Profy, your school can distribute AI credits among teachers, allowing them to access artificial intelligence resources to create customized lesson plans. This improves efficiency in lesson preparation, enhances the quality of teaching, and promotes greater student engagement.
Profy is ideal for schools and groups of teachers looking to innovate in the educational process by integrating artificial intelligence technology into their lesson planning.
Adding teachers to Profy is easy and quick. The school administration can invite teachers to the platform and distribute AI credits, allowing them to immediately begin creating lesson plans enriched with the aid of artificial intelligence.
Yes, Profy emphasizes the importance of human review to ensure educational excellence. The platform allows school review officers to evaluate and approve lesson plans before their implementation, ensuring they are suitable and effective.
No. Profy has been developed to be intuitive and easy to use, ensuring that teachers with varying levels of technological skill can create lesson plans with the help of AI.
AI credits are distributed among teachers by the school administration. They act as a "currency" within the platform, allowing educators to access AI functionalities to create and customize their lesson plans.
The number of lesson plans a teacher can create depends on the amount of available AI credits. The school administration can distribute these credits as needed and according to teacher engagement, ensuring flexibility and adaptation to each educator's work pace.
To start using Profy, simply purchase one of the credit packages and set up your school account, invite teachers, and distribute the AI credits. From there, educators can begin creating lesson plans with the support of artificial intelligence.